Every church entity and every church member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a role to play in fulfilling the I Will Go Strategic Plan. By the power of the Holy Spirit and through a variety of action plans that are tailored to local contexts, we are enabled to achieve the 22 measurable goals identified for the 2025-2030 quinquennium. The following table enumerates the unique administrative and personal roles within the Church and elicits an integrated participation towards reaching the world for Christ.
General Conference
Create the vision for a global strategy and produce relevant training and resources to support Church entities in fulfilling the strategy in their local contexts.
Develop action plans in coordination with the World Divisions that address the 22 measurable goals and align human, financial, and technological resources accordingly. Perform ongoing assessments regarding the effective implementation of the I Will Go Strategic Plan.
World Divisions
Transmit the vision for our global strategy that is geographically and demographically contextualized to their respective territories.
Develop action plans in coordination with the Unions that address the 22 measurable goals and align human, financial, and technological resources accordingly.
Design an awareness campaign and accountability mechanisms for the strategy that has been contextualized to their respective territories.
Develop action plans in coordination with the Conferences that address the 22 measurable goals and align human, financial, and technological resources accordingly.
Local Conferences
Engage with pastors and local church leaders on how to implement strategies for their local churches that are relevant and responsive to their locations.
Develop action plans in coordination with the Local Churches that address the 22 measurable goals and align human, financial, and technological resources accordingly.
Local Churches
Inspire church members and implement the strategy that has been tailored for cities and communities in their area of reach.
Develop action plans in coordination with the Church Members that address the 22 measurable goals and align human, financial, and technological resources accordingly.
Local Church Members
Take personal responsibility for the mission of the Church and be actively involved in playing a part to reach the world for Christ.
Develop goals for personal ministry in coordination with their Local Church leaders and practice the wholistic principles of stewardship.
Church Institutions
Emphasize a culture of thinking that each church institution exists primarily to advance the mission and make intentional effort towards connecting the dots between their existence and this expectation.
Develop action plans in coordination with the Sponsoring Entity that address the 22 measurable goals and align human, financial, and technological resources accordingly.
“The Lord desires to see the work of proclaiming the third angel’s message carried forward with increasing efficiency. As He has worked in all ages to give victories to His people, so in this age He longs to carry to a triumphant fulfillment His purposes for His church. He bids His believing saints to advance unitedly, going from strength to strength, from faith to increased assurance and confidence in the truth and righteousness of His cause.”
—Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9, p.9
“If Christians were to act in concert, moving forward as one, under the direction of one Power, for the accomplishment of one purpose, they would move the world.”
—Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9, p.221