In order to assess the impact of the Church’s strategic plan and to shape future strategic planning, research will be commissioned in the 2025-2030 quinquennium which will measure the extent to which stated Measurable Goals have been achieved.  

The attainment of many of the listed Goals will be measured by surveys of church members and some denominational employees. Instruments for such research projects will be aligned with the Themes and Goals of this strategic plan.  

In addition to surveys of attitudes, perceptions, practices, and beliefs, the divisions and General Conference departments should each make their own assessment of the degree to which they have achieved the Goals of the strategic plan and the extent to which Goals have or have not been reached. This qualitative data will be added to the large-scale human-subject research outlined above.  

This process of research and evaluation will be a key foundation for strategic planning for the 2030-2035 quinquennium.